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ADL Calls on University Administrators to Take Further Action to Protect Jewish Students on Campus
As universities begin preparing to reopen campuses in the fall semester, ADL is calling on administrators and faculty to take meaningful steps to ensure an inclusive campus climate for all students in response to a series of disturbing anti-Israel and antisemitic actions at U.S. colleges in 2019.
In a
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new report issued today, ADL made a series of recommendations for how institutions of higher learning should respond when anti-Israel activism on campus fuels antisemitism. The report extensively details anti-Israel and antisemitic activity that took place on campuses last year and provides an in-depth look at the major sources of funding for anti-Israel groups.
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Congratulations No Place For Hate Schools!
As the school year comes to a close, ADL congratulates all schools in the Washington, D.C. region and across the nation that have been designated No Place For Hate! You worked hard throughout the year to ensure your schools are a more inclusive and equitable place where all students can thrive. We could not be more excited to celebrate with you. Thank you for all that you do!
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Boogaloo Supporters Animated By Lockdown Protests, Recent Incidents
On May 1, 2020, when
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boogaloo activists organized a
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protest against coronavirus public safety measures in Raleigh, North Carolina , many attendees carried firearms in defiance of state laws prohibiting guns at public demonstrations. It was a scene played out across the country in recent weeks, as boogalooers are energized by resistance to lockdown restrictions, which they view as tyrannical government overreach. Boogaloo adherents have shown up at numerous lockdown protests, waving boogaloo signs, wearing Hawaiian shirts, and carrying firearms, sometimes illegally.
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Antisemitism Today Table Talk: Family Conversations About Current Events
Parents and family members often want to discuss current events and the news of the day. It's a great opportunity to engage children in rich conversation, impart important values and encourage lifelong interest in the news and the world around them. These talks can happen during a walk or over a meal together.
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This family discussion guide shares current information about the state of antisemitism in the U.S. today.
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ADL CEO Featured in The Forward on COVID-19 and Antisemitism
In a new op-ed for The Forward, ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt takes a look at how COVID-19 has “laid bare for the Jewish community the looming threats we face from antisemitism and extremism.” “It has become clear in the past six weeks that the pandemic is threatening our community’s sense of safety and well-being in ways we never could have predicted,” Greenblatt writes. “As a result, we need to rapidly adjust our footing in this new environment.”
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Fighting Hate From Home Webinar Review: Mayors on the Front Lines Against COVID-19
Last week,
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ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt talked with Mayor Andy Berke of Chattanooga and Mayor Greg Fischer of Louisville about the challenges that cities and their residents face.
Mayors Berke and Fischer are working hard to ensure that public health and economic security are both priorities, that the strained social safety net be reinforced, and that solutions to COVID-linked problems like the disruption of in-person education be handled in ways that address economic disparities. The mayors vowed to use the ‘secular pulpit’ of their position to urge empathy for everyone in their community while fighting the pandemic, and to speak out against any outbursts of hate.
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Thank You Helpers - Send a Message of Support to Our Brave Frontline
While ADL keeps the fight against antisemitism, bigotry and hate going amid this pandemic, we are beyond grateful to our brave heroes on the frontlines around the world keeping us safe and fighting the coronavirus.
Please join ADL in showing these individuals our gratitude and support.
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Click here to share your message of thanks and appreciation for the COVID-19 frontline workers , including but not limited to: community service workers, first responders, healthcare workers, law enforcement officials, scientists, and all other essential service workers and helpers assisting our communities.
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