In case you missed it, anti-choice extremist Judge Jefferson Griffin is demanding that the court throw out some 60,000 valid ballots to overturn the election in his favor.
That means he wants the outcome decided by justices whose own spouses donated to his campaign!
Pro-choice champion Justice Allison Riggs defeated Griffin by 734 votes in November's elections, and not one, but two (!!) recounts have confirmed she is the winner.
Still, Griffin refuses to concede, and now, he's urging the Republican-majority state Supreme Court to change the results of the election in a blatantly corrupt partisan power grab.
We won't stand for anti-democracy extremists trying to seize office by circumventing the will of the people. North Carolinians voted to elect a pro-choice leader to the state's highest court. Our job is to make sure that leader has the resources to defend her win in that very court.