From Anna Derbyshire, CitizenGO <[email protected]>
Subject The Occult "Mental Health" App Labeled: Made for Children
Date February 24, 2025 12:06 PM
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<p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Soluna:</strong> <br />witchcraft, radical gender ideology, and New Age rituals introduced&mdash;in the name of &ldquo;mental health.&rdquo;</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Bypassing parents, undermining faith, and confusing children.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;">Sign the petition to stop this outrageous government-sponsored "mental health" app.</p>

Dear John,

<p>Do you remember the first time you realized your child had been exposed to something inappropriate online? The moment you saw the look on their face&mdash;the confusion, the fear, the shame?</p> <p>I do.</p> <p>It was devastating. My husband and I sat in stunned silence, a thousand emotions hitting at once&mdash;anger, heartbreak, guilt. <strong>Had we failed them? </strong>Had we waited too long to warn them? Were we too late to protect their innocence?</p> <p>The first thing we did was <strong>fall to our knees in praye</strong>r&mdash;for wisdom, for direction, for hope. Because we knew one thing: something had changed between us and our child, something that could never be undone.</p> <p>A breach of innocence. A fracture in trust.</p> <p>As parents, we do our dead-level best to <strong>time</strong> when our children are introduced to certain realities of the world. <strong>When do we talk about sex? When do we begin explaining our faith? When do we introduce the idea that not everyone believes what we do?</strong> These are conversations we should guide in our homes with <strong>careful thought and love.</strong></p> <p>But today, those conversations are being stolen from us.</p> <p>The internet was once the biggest threat to our children's innocence&mdash;it still is a dangerous place where they might <strong>stumble</strong> across something harmful.</p> <p>But now?</p> <p>Now, <strong>our own schools and government agencies are actively introducing them to confusion, deception, and darkness.</strong></p> <p>The Soluna app is marketed as a &ldquo;mental health&rdquo; resource for teens, but in reality, <strong>it indoctrinates children with occult rituals, tarot cards, and radical gender ideology.</strong> It encourages them<strong> to reject their biological reality and embrace New Age spirituality</strong>&mdash;all while deliberately cutting parents out of the process.</p> <p>This isn&rsquo;t an accident.</p> <p>By <strong>tearing apart familial trust and undermining parental authorit</strong>y, they are purposefully <strong>shredding our influence</strong>. They are driving a wedge between parents and children, <strong>usurping our role as the primary guides in their lives.</strong></p> <p>And we are supposed to stand by and allow it?</p> <p><strong>Absolutely not.</strong></p>
Sign our petition today! Demand that Autumn Boylan and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) immediately defund and discontinue Soluna.
<p>I know there are incredible teachers out there&mdash;my oldest daughter is one of them. She is passionate, principled, and fiercely protective of the children in her classroom. She loves her students, defends their innocence, and teaches from the core of who she is.</p> <p>However, not all teachers and administrators share her convictions. I wish they did.</p> <p>Just ask Brenda Lebsack, a veteran teacher who saw <strong>firsthand how radical gender ideology was being pushed into the classroom&mdash;without parents' knowledge.</strong> Brenda bravely spoke out when she discovered that schools were keeping secrets from parents, socially transitioning children behind their backs, and even allowing boys to sleep in girls&rsquo; cabins on overnight field trips. <strong>For telling the truth, she was vilified.</strong></p> <p>Brenda, like my daughter, believes that teachers should respect children's innocence and parents' authority. But the education system is being weaponized against them. <strong>When good teachers stand up, they are silenced, intimidated, or forced out.</strong></p> <p>Meanwhile, radical ideologies are being pushed into classrooms&mdash;often through state-funded programs like <strong>Soluna, designed to bypass parental authority and reshape our children's beliefs behind our backs.</strong></p>
Sign our petition today! Shut Down Soluna!
<p>I recently read an article by N.S. Lyons echoes our concerns&mdash;our rights as parents are under systematic attack. In <strong><em>A Future for the Family,</em> Lyons details how the state and Big Tech are working together to replace parents with government-approved "experts" and digital tools that guide our children's moral and spiritual development.</strong></p> <p><strong>Soluna is just one piece of this agenda.</strong> If we allow this app to continue, we&rsquo;re opening the door to even more government-controlled tools designed to supplant parental authority and reshape the next generation.</p> <p>Since the fall of 2024, Soluna has been actively promoted in California schools and is rapidly growing in popularity. Parents and some like-minded teachers are sounding the alarm&mdash;but they are being ignored.</p> <p>If history has taught us anything, it&rsquo;s that what happens in California does not stay in California. Progressive and liberal school districts across the country are watching. Once they see this model succeed, they will implement it themselves&mdash;even in conservative states.</p> <p>Even <strong>the most conservative states have liberal bureaucrats</strong> pushing dangerous policies in their school systems. &nbsp;<strong>None of us are immune.</strong></p> <p>We must stop this now before it spreads to our own communities&mdash;<strong>before it reaches our children without our knowledge.</strong></p> <p><strong>I am determined to expose these violations of parental rights as quickly as they come across my desk.</strong> I wish I didn&rsquo;t have to sound the alarm so often, but almost every week, <strong>another attack on parental rights is burning through our schools, courts, and nation.</strong></p> <p><strong>I am passionate about preserving the family and protecting a parent's God-given right to teach and instruct their children.</strong>&nbsp;This battle, for the hearts and minds of our children is one we must all fight together.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">God has entrusted us</span> with raising our children in His ways and for His glory</strong>. That is why I will keep you informed and prepare to stand up and fight for them.</p> <p>This is about more than just one app. It&rsquo;s about defending our role as parents.</p> <p><strong>If we stay silent, we give permission for more of this.</strong></p> <p>The state has no right to override our authority or expose children to harmful ideologies.</p> <p>If we do nothing, Soluna will continue <strong>poisoning</strong> the relationship between parents and children, <strong>warping</strong> our children&rsquo;s understanding of truth, faith, and identity.</p> <p><strong>The Left will not stop, and neither can we.</strong> Sign the petition now and support parental rights! Sign our petition today!<br /></p>
Demand immediate defunding and discontinuation of Soluna
For parents and children,
<i>Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team</i>
<span style="font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; color: #000000; font-weight: 400;">P.S. Soluna, California’s “mental health” app for students,&nbsp; is&nbsp;coming to a&nbsp;child near you. We must stop it now!</span> Let’s stop Soluna now—sign the petition today!
<p><strong>More information:</strong></p> <p>California Gov&rsquo;t App Advises Teens To Drop Christianity And Embrace The Occult<br /><a href= "[link removed]" target="_blank" id="" >[link removed]</a><br /></p> <p>Mental Health, Co-Designed - Kooth partners with young people<br /><a href= "[link removed]" target="_blank" id="" >[link removed]</a><br /></p> <p>State launches new, free mental health resources for California kids and teens<br /><a href= "[link removed]" target="_blank" id="" >[link removed]</a><br /></p> <p></p>

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