These are the biggest fights we've engaged in for babies since Roe was overturned.
Today is a MAJOR Supreme Court deadline to defend babies.
Planned Parenthood was caught selling the body parts of aborted babies and was defunded by some states. They rushed to court – and got it stopped – to save their taxpayer funding. Trump has already defunded Planned Parenthood internationally. We just filed at the Supreme Court, and if we win, states can DEFUND the abortion industry too.
After California passed a bill legalizing infanticide up to 28 days after birth, Senator Schumer and the abortion lobby BLOCKED a bill that would have ended infanticide. We're fighting back on Capitol Hill to defeat infanticide and save countless babies.
Now, IN JUST MOMENTS, we are filing at the Supreme Court to stop the attempt to shut down pro-life centers, and we've got a similar case we're battling in Massachusetts.
TODAY, as we fight at the Supreme Court to save babies and battle Planned Parenthood's seemingly unlimited taxpayer-funded resources, we need you. There has never been a bigger moment.
Donate To Defeat Abortion and Save Babies.
We urgently need you to act with us at the Supreme Court to save the lives of countless babies.
Sign: Defund Planned Parenthood at Supreme Court.
Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director