RSVP to attend our first Medicare for All National Strategy Call of the year to hear our plans and get involved.

NNU - Medicare for All!

Our first Medicare for All National Strategy Call of 2025 is rapidly approaching next Wednesday, February 12, and we have some exciting speakers to announce!

Joining us on the call will be:

Cathy Kennedy, RN — President of National Nurses United and the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee

Photo of Cathy Kennedy

Swathi and Shruthi Bhuma — Political Advocacy Co-Directors for SNaHP, the student arm of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP)

Photo of Swathi and Shruthi Bhuma

Gillian Mason — Executive Director, Healthcare-NOW

Photo of Gillian Mason

 We’ll hear from these leaders about how we can fight back against the many threats facing the public health care system under the new presidential administration, while we also continue to build towards winning Medicare for All.

You don’t want to miss it: RSVP now to join us next Wed. at 5:00 pm PT / 8:00 pm ET →

RSVP now »

This is the perfect opportunity to learn how you can take action and keep up our fight for health care justice throughout 2025, so we hope to see you there!

In solidarity,

Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All

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