Y’all, I’m tired.
We’re only a few weeks into this disaster of an administration, and already the glaring incompetence is on full display.
This fool already had the job for four long years and he STILL has no clue of how government, the law, the constitution works!
The American people can’t afford four years of complete Republican control (or should I say chaos) in Washington. That’s why I’m working my tail off to flip the House blue and put a check on Donald Trump’s disastrous administration. Can I count on your help by chipping in $5, $10, or more right now -- split with iVote Fund? [[link removed]]
$5 » [[link removed]] $15 » [[link removed]]
$50 » [[link removed]] Other » [[link removed]]
Imagine a world where we voted for competence instead of chaos.
We truly would be on top. Instead, we’re dealing with disaster after disaster coming from Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and their stooges in Congress.
But next year, Americans will be faced with another choice between competence and chaos — and this time, we MUST pick competence.
I’ll be working each and every day to make sure that happens, but I can’t do it alone. So please, if you’re able to join me in this fight, can I count on you to chip in $5, $10, or more right now -- split with iVote Fund? [[link removed]]
$5 » [[link removed]] $15 » [[link removed]]
$50 » [[link removed]] Other » [[link removed]]
Thank you,
[link removed] [[link removed]]
iVote was created in 2014 with one goal: secure voting rights for all Americans.
Rather than take on challenges in the court after unfair laws have passed, iVote plays defense on voter suppression efforts AND goes on offense to secure and expand access to voting.
Going on offense is critical. We have the chance to elect Secretaries of State that will protect our elections for years to come. But Republicans are already suppressing and blocking certain citizens from exercising their fundamental right to vote.
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We need a massive coalition to register new voters and protect our right to vote in this election and beyond.
We know you get a lot of emails, but it's only because this fight is so important. We need you to stick with us long term. But if you must go, you can unsubscribe.
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Cambridge, MA 02238
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