I’ve been really looking forward to sharing some news with you.
Dear John,
I’ve been really looking forward to sharing some news with you.
Every day, you and I are presented with the opportunity to recognize that life is fundamentally good — not just generally, but particularly. Regardless of what you have or don’t have, it is good that you exist.
John, I know how deeply you want this truth to be known and for human life to be deeply respected. Our team has designed this sweatshirt so that you can promote this life-saving message.
We would love to give this sweatshirt to you as a thank you for your gift of $75 or more, OR if you begin a monthly gift of $20 or more. This is an exclusive offer; you will not find this sweatshirt anywhere else!
Use this secure link to make your gift and receive the sweatshirt: give.liveaction.org/pro-life-sweatshirt ([link removed] )
Simply by wearing it, you will counter the lies that lead to dissatisfaction, frustration, sadness, and self-hatred.
You never know who may need to see this message. Personally, I’m of the opinion that we all need a daily reminder. This beautiful sweatshirt is a simple and gentle reminder to everyone around us: It is good that you exist!
I am a firm believer in every person’s capacity to be a force for good. In little ways or big, regardless of upbringing, surroundings, or experiences, everyone can bring beauty into the world. And all this starts with receiving the truth that your life is good.
This offer is only available through the end of February, so make your gift today: give.liveaction.org/pro-life-sweatshirt ([link removed] )
John, I’m so grateful for your support of this mission to build a culture that embraces and defends every life. I frequently find myself humbled and in awe of the (often hidden) acts of love such as yours that spur our movement forward.
Thank you for all you do to share the truth that life is a gift!
For Life,
Liz Urban
Donor Service Manager
Live Action is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible in the United States.
No goods or services are offered or given in exchange for contributions.
Make your gift here: give.liveaction.org ([link removed] )
Live Action, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102 PMB 111, Arlington, VA 22201
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