Illinois e-News Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                      
Feb. 7, 2025                                                                          

Adriana Colindres       217.558.1920


State Treasurer Frerichs, JPMorganChase To Bring ‘Lincoln Ledger’ To Downtown Springfield

Historical Display to Be Unveiled Ahead of Lincoln’s Birthday


Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs and JPMorganChase officials on Monday will unveil a reproduction of a ledger that contains records of Honest Abe’s banking activity ahead of Lincoln’s Birthday, which is Wednesday.


The media is invited to attend. The program will be held on Monday, Feb. 10, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Illinois State Treasurer’s Office, 1 East Old State Capitol Plaza, Springfield, IL.


WHO: Treasurer Frerichs, JPMorganChase representatives


WHEN:   February 10, 2025

               1:30 p.m.


WHERE:  Illinois State Treasurer’s Office

  1 East Old State Capitol Plaza, Springfield, IL

   Enter on 6th Street between Adams and Washington streets



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