
Especially over the past few months, Governor Jay Inslee has proven he is exactly the leader we need through a crisis.

Jay has carefully guided our state with thoughtful and steady leadership. As a doctor, I know how crucial his commitment to science and data has been to helping us flatten the curve here in Washington and save countless lives. In fact, the rest of the nation has looked to Washington State as an example to follow.

Now more than ever, we need leadership like Jay's to get us through these unprecedented times. But even as some in the federal government look to follow Jay's example in guiding policy for the nation, President Trump and his allies have personally targeted Jay. So it's critical we show Jay we have his back and ensure he has the resources needed to win again this November.

If you can, please split a donation between Jay Inslee's campaign and mine today to keep him in the governor's office fighting for all Washingtonians →

Over the last eight years in office, Jay has helped our state build a strong social safety net which is supporting our families through this crisis. Because of his leadership, Washington State is a leader for paid family and medical leave, expanded health care, and protecting our environment.

And time and again, Jay has stood up against the Trump administration's unlawful executive orders -- even as he faced personal attacks and insults.

But Jay is one of only three Democratic governors up for re-election this year, and Trump's allies at the Republican Governors Association have made it clear he's a top target. We can trust they're going to spend millions against Jay, so he's counting on our grassroots support to help him fight back.

Will you split a donation between our campaigns and help Jay continue to fight for Washington?



Contributions to Jay Inslee for Washington are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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