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Maine Forest Service
In this issue...
* Welcome to Tree Farming: An Intro to the Tree Farming System [ #link_1 ]
* FRA Forestry Meeting Postponed, New Meeting Date Scheduled [ #link_2 ]
* Pathways to Sustain Ash – Webinar and Field Tour Series [ #link_3 ]
* Apple Trees in Your Woodlands Webinar [ #link_4 ]
* Maple Sugaring Workshop [ #link_5 ]
Welcome to Tree Farming: An Intro to the Tree Farming System
Join the Maine Tree Farm Program for one of our *"free "*introductory webinars on what the Maine Tree Farm Program is, membership eligibility, program benefits, and how to join! Registration is mandatory, but free.
Tuesday, February 11, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM registration [ [link removed] ]
Thursday February 13, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM registration [ [link removed] ]
For more information or questions, please contact
[email protected]
FRA Forestry Meeting Postponed, New Meeting Date Scheduled
*Date: *Tuesday February 11* *
*Time: *5:30 PM to 8PM
*Location*: Jeff’s Catering" -15 Littlefield Way, Brewer, Maine "
*Forest Fires – Can They Happen Here, and Is Maine Prepared?*
"Speaker: Robby Gross, Chief Ranger, Maine Forest Service" With California wildland fires in the news and forest fires across Southern New England last fall, many are asking “Is Maine – the most forested state in the nation – adequately prepared?” We’ll be joined by the Chief Ranger of the Maine Forest Service to hear about trends in wildland fires in Maine and New England, how the state is learning from the experience of others, and how fire resilience is increasingly important for Maine landowners and the entire industry. As the chief forest law enforcement officer, he’ll also welcome questions on forest laws, enforcement, and how we can work together to minimize problems*.*
Pre-registration is requested for an accurate headcount. It is $30 for members and $40 for non-members. Registration is payable at the door via cash, credit or check. Please contact
[email protected] for more information.
Pathways to Sustain Ash – Webinar and Field Tour Series
Are you interested in learning more about stewarding ash across the landscape and getting involved in seed collection efforts? Then join the Forest Stewards Guild and partners for our three-part series.
Through two webinars and a field tour, this three-part series will explore innovative approaches and perspectives to sustaining ash through tree identification basics, seed collection, post-collection processing, and propagation. Join us for one or all of the upcoming events (space permitting):
* Webinar: Why Preserve Ash Seed?
* Webinar: The How-to of Ash Seed Preservation
* New Hampshire State Forest Nursery Field Tour
For more information and registration for events, please visit the Forest Stewards Guild Event Calendar [ [link removed] ] or contact Rachel Swanwick at
[email protected]
Apple Trees in Your Woodlands Webinar
*Date*: Thursday, February 27
*Time*: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
*Location*: Virtual Webinar (Zoom)
Join the Maine Tree Farm Program for a one-hour webinar on “Apple Trees in Your Woodlands,” led by Joseph Dembeck. This session will explore the art and science of managing apple trees and is perfect for all experience levels.
Registration is free, but mandatory. If you have any questions, please email
[email protected]
Registration [ [link removed] ]
Maple Sugaring Workshop
sugarmaple [ [link removed] ]
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