We’re targeting eight Republican Veterans in swing districts over Trump’s call for the United States to occupy Gaza


John —

VoteVets just put thousands of dollars behind our first advertising campaign of the year.

We’re running them in the Congressional districts of eight Republicans, all Veterans:

We’re using them to mobilize their constituents and direct them to call and write to demand that they stand against Trump’s calls for the United States to occupy Gaza.

We just finished the longest wars in our nation’s history. We’ll be dealing with the fallout from the War on Terror for the rest of our lives, and VoteVets will not stand by as Trump looks to send American Troops overseas to “nation-build” in Gaza.

VoteVets was founded because our “leaders” lied us into preventable wars and got a bunch of our friends killed. We’re going to do everything we can to prevent another generation of American Troops from suffering the same fate.

This is the core of our mission, and we’re asking you to chip in to help us keep these ads running.

Make a donation of $5 and help us keep the GOPs feet to the fire as Trump attempts to drag American Troops into another needless conflict. Anything helps. Every dollar makes a difference.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you,

The team at VoteVets



Use of military rank, job titles or photographs in uniform does not imply the endorsement of the Department of Defense, Departments of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or the Marines or Space Force.

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