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The Reign of the Department of Un-Education is Ending
February 7, 2025
For more than four decades, Eagle Forum and the conservative movement have called for the Department of Education to be abolished. Since its opening in 1979, radical teachers unions, and leftist politicians have used this agency to push their political ideology into America’s classroom and overstep states’ rights. Young minds have been poisoned, parents’ rights have been eroded and test scores have failed to improve. The pandemic allowed parents to see exactly what their kids were (and sadly were not) learning for the first time in years. In response, they showed up at school board meetings to demand changes in the education system. President Donald Trump has been fulfilling his promises to make American education great again in recent weeks.
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2024 is the Centennial of the birth of Phyllis Schlafly. She led a movement. How did she do it?
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