Have you seen the latest economic news? Headline after headline is screaming RECESSION IS COMING! Odd, don’t you think, since the GOP promised us untold economic success when they gave $1.9 trillion in tax cuts, mostly to the rich and big corporations? Yet here we are today with headlines like this:
We were told that cutting taxes for the wealthy and big corporations would BOOST investment, wages and jobs. It would be like “rocket fuel” for the economy. Instead, it’s not even unleaded regular. Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations don’t trickle down to the rest of us.
Now we’re staring down a coming RECESSION. And the ballooning deficits from the Trump-GOP tax cuts will make it much harder for the government to boost spending to counteract the effects. Again, working families will pay the price of giveaways to the rich and big corporations.
Want to fight back? Sign our petition to Congress before it’s too late to demand they repeal the #GOPTaxScam, which gave trillions mostly to the rich and corporations.
The rich got away with rigging the economy in their favor. Now, if we enter into a recession, working Americans will bear the brunt of it, and the GOP will once again fein concerns over the growing deficit and demand even steeper cuts to earned benefits and public services that working families rely on.
Just look at Kansas. After giving huge tax cuts to the rich and corporations, the state incurred giant budget shortages and an economic recovery rate well below the national average. Oops. After reversing their disastrous tax cuts, the state rose 16 places in the rankings for top states for business, and quickly regained a budget surplus. [1]
Perhaps we can turn our economy around like Kansas did.
Join us today and tell Congress: repeal the #GOPTaxScam and get the economy working again -- for ALL of us, not just the rich and corporations.
The GOP’s constant tax cuts for wealthy special interests always fail the rest of us. And when they inevitably call for the next round of cuts to earned benefits and services that working families rely on, we’ll know what to do -- make the rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
Thank you for standing with our movement.
In Solidarity,
Frank Clemente
Executive Director
Americans for Tax Fairness
[1] “The comeback state of 2019: Kansas economy rebounds from tax-cutting disaster,” CNBC, July 10, 2019