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Ezra Young on Trans Rights Law, Anne Sosin on RFK Jr. and Rural Health CounterSpin ([link removed])
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Signs at protest: "Trans People Are Not a Distraction"; "Trans Rights Are Human Rights"
(CC photo: Ted Eytan)
This week on CounterSpin: We know that once corporate news label something "controversial," we’re in for reporting with a static "some say/others differ" frame—even if one "side" of the "controversy" is a relatively small group of people who don’t believe in science or human rights or democracy. So as the Trump White House comes out fast and furious ([link removed]) against transgender people, their weird hatefulness lands in a public arena that generally rejects discrimination, but also in an elite media climate ([link removed]) in which the very lives of transgender people have long been deemed "subject to debate." We’ll hear about the current state of things from civil rights attorney Ezra Young ([link removed]) .
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New York Times: R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain
New York Times (5/8/24 ([link removed]) )
Also on the show: When the New York Times reported Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ([link removed]) ’s revelation that parasites have eaten part of his brain, Kennedy, running for president at the time, offered ([link removed]) to “eat five more brain worms and still beat President Trump and President Biden in a debate.” We’re reminded of such "jokes" now, as Kennedy looks likely to be head of Health and Human Services, along with his claims that vaccines cause autism ([link removed]) and chicken soup cures measles ([link removed]) . But to resist Kennedy, we need to understand what fuels those who, even if they don’t like him, believe he might be a force for good in their lives. Anne Sosin is a public
health researcher and practitioner based at Dartmouth College, who encourages looking around RFK Jr. to the communities that imagine he’s speaking for them.
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