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The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian School, bringing together leading scholars doing research in this vibrant and influential intellectual tradition. The conference is hosted by the Mises Institute at its campus in Auburn, Alabama, and is directed by Joseph Salerno, Academic Vice President of the Mises Institute and professor emeritus of economics at Pace University.
** The Deadline for the Student Essay Contests Is Today, Friday, February 7 ([link removed])
** Kenneth Garschina Undergraduate Student Essay Contest ([link removed])
The Mises Institute is holding an essay contest for undergraduates on Henry Hazlitt’s
Economics in One Lesson. Entrants are encouraged to explore how Hazlitt’s “one lesson” applies to current issues and economic discourse. Essays should be no more than 5,000 words in length and double-spaced.
** Kenneth Garshina Graduate Student Essay Contest ([link removed])
This essay competition is an opportunity for students already submitting their papers to the AERC and LSC conferences to win a cash prize. Essays should be no more than 10,000 words in length, exclusive of references; include an abstract of no more than 250 words; and be double-spaced. The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition ([link removed]) , is encouraged.
Prizes of $1,500, $1,000, and $750 will be awarded to the top three essays in each contest. All prize winners will be invited to present their papers at AERC 2025, with conference registration fees waived and accommodations covered (travel not included). Winners must also submit a student scholarship application here ([link removed]) .
The submission deadline for both contests is today, Friday, February 7.
For more information or to register, go to ([link removed]) . ([link removed])
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