From EPPC Briefly <[email protected]>
Subject Amazon lifts ban on Ryan Anderson
Date February 7, 2025 3:31 PM
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February 7, 2025

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** Amazon Lifts Ban on Ryan Anderson

After a four-year ban, Amazon has returned EPPC President Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment ([link removed]) to its cyber shelves. Over the last two weeks, EPPC mounted a campaign to put the ban back in the public eye.
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** New York Times:

** Amazon reinstates a book critical of transgender care.
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For First Things, George Weigel discusses greatness in public figures ([link removed]) .
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For The Catholic Thing, Stephen White explains the Catholic Church’s role in addressing immigration ([link removed]) .
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For New York Post, Henry Olsen makes a prediction for the future of European politics ([link removed]) .
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On Beyond the Polls, Henry Olsen discusses a progressive alternative to the Democratic Party ([link removed]) .
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On The ELRC Podcast, Rachel Morrison explains why Christians should care about the executive branch ([link removed]) .
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On Relevant Radio’s Morning Air, Mary Hasson explains recent developments from the Trump Administration on gender ideology ([link removed]) .
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In Commonwealth Dispatches, Brad Littlejohn explains why spiritual freedom must precede other freedoms ([link removed]) .
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In the Preserving Our Humanity, Clare Morell shares more on her upcoming book, The Tech Exit ([link removed]) .
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Join Rep. Blake Moore, sponsor of the Family First Act ([link removed]) , and a panel of leading conservative voices, including EPPC’s Patrick Brown, for a February 11th event on Capitol Hill on how this year’s tax negotiation can make it easier for Americans to start and raise a family.

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