[ [link removed] ]Tell Congress: DO NOT cut Medicaid!
Dear MoveOn member,
Republicans are signaling they are likely to gut Medicaid to the tune of
$2.3 trillion, all so that they can give tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy
like Elon Musk, as well as large corporations.^1,2
We can't let that happen.
Over the next few weeks, Republicans will be meeting to figure out how
they plan to pay for President Trump's tax cuts for big corporations and
the ultra-wealthy, who stand to benefit the most.^3 And make no mistake
about it: In order for these tax cuts to happen, Trump and Republicans
will likely need to make significant cuts elsewhere.^4
That's why we need your help to make it crystal clear to Congress that
reducing Medicaid health benefits, or kicking millions of Americans off
Medicaid to give tax cuts to the rich, is a nonstarter!^5 [ [link removed] ]Add your name
to tell Republicans NO cuts to Medicaid!
Tell Congress: DO NOT make any cuts to Medicaid!
[3]Sign the petition
Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump claimed to be the
better candidate for lowering the cost of living and putting more money in
American's pockets. But President Trump and his Republican Party’s attempt
to cut Medicaid—a crucial state and federal partnership that provides
health care for more than 80 million Americans—would significantly reduce
access to the care and medication that people need.^6
In fact, cutting vital programs like Medicaid would also create major gaps
in state funding and devastate state budgets. It would then, in turn,
force states to raise taxes or cut certain parts of their budget in order
to fill the gap.^7
And just last week, President Trump tried to cut Medicaid when he
attempted to pause funding to federal grant programs before his
administration was forced to temporarily put those plans on hold.^8
No one should have to choose between getting the health care they need and
paying for rent, gas, or groceries because of high costs.
With your help, we can fight back against President Trump and Republicans'
latest attempt to gut our health care system, just like we did during his
first term.
[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition now to tell Congress: Keep your hands off our
Thanks for all you do.
–Toni, Alexis, Nakia, Saskia, and the rest of the team
[ [link removed] ]P.S. Do you want to know what Medicaid is known as in your state? Click
1. "Medicare and Medicaid To Change Under Republican Proposals: What To
Know," Newsweek, January 22 2025,
[ [link removed] ][link removed]
2. "House GOP Eyeing Cuts of Nearly One-Third in Projected Federal
Medicaid Spending," KFF, January 21, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]
3. "Paying for Trump's tax cuts could lead to big changes for taxpayers.
Here's what could be store." CBS, January 24, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]
4. "To Pay for Trump Tax Cuts, House GOP Floats Plan to Slash Benefits for
the Poor and Working Class," ProPublica, January 22, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]
5. "Cutting Federal Medicaid Payments to States: Bad News for Their Credit
Ratings,Center for Children and Families," January 22, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
8. "Trump White House rescinds order freezing federal spending, reversing
course," The Washington Post, January 29, 2025
[ [link removed] ][link removed]
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