Dear John,
Quarterly Animal Law Updates are designed to keep you informed about the latest in animal law news.
China Reclassifies Dogs from “Livestock” to “Companion Animals”
On April 8, 2020, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced that dogs would be reclassified as “companion animals” instead of “livestock.”
Friend or Food? Companion Pigs Challenge Legal Distinctions
In the U.S., some municipalities are grappling with whether pigs kept as companions should be allowed in residential areas that exclude animals legally defined as “livestock.”
Federal Judge Strikes Down “Lake Erie Bill of Rights”
On February 27, 2020, a federal judge struck down as unconstitutional a first-of-its-kind law granting basic rights to Lake Erie.
Australian State Bans “No-Pets” Policies in Rental Housing
The Australian state of Victoria has enacted important legislation to prohibit landlords from banning companion animals in rental housing.
Michigan Becomes Latest State to Ban Eggs from Caged Hens
Michigan has become the fifth and largest egg-producing state to enact a “cage-free” egg law.
Australian Capital Territory Enacts New Law Recognizing Animal Sentience
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) has passed important legislation recognizing that animals are sentient, having the ability to “subjectively feel and perceive the world around them.”