It's clear the far Left isn’t going to stop indoctrinating our kids. The assault to brainwash them with sexualized and Marxist content in schools . . .


It’s clear the far Left isn’t going to stop indoctrinating our kids.

The assault to brainwash our kids with sexualized and Marxist content in schools is intensifying. TODAY is a MAJOR court deadline to fight back.

Sign Our NEW Petition

The far Left and teachers unions have repeatedly filed lawsuits to KEEP explicit and dangerous content in schools and available to our children – content that is not appropriate educationally, but is socialist, DEI propaganda, race-based, and even pornographic in nature. Some school boards are even being bullied into ignoring parents’ demands to remove sexualized content from school libraries.

Parents have an absolute right to protect and defend their children from harmful content in our schools. It’s a sacred responsibility.

We are filing lawsuits against school districts that are pushing these vile books on young kids and refusing to listen to parents. Now the teachers unions are trying to intervene, and we face a major court deadline TODAY to defend parents and kids.

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare. We must stop letting schools warp and oversexualize our children’s minds.

TODAY we are filing 3 briefs in our case battling a teachers union and school board that refuse to listen to parents and remove inappropriate books from its libraries. Take direct action with us TODAY.

Sign NEW Petition: Stop Sexual Indoctrination of Kids.

Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director

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