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Bishop Samuel Johnson Howard | Diocese of Florida
** Accord Urged in Bishop Howard Cases
By Douglas LeBlanc and Mark Michael
Disciplinary cases against the former Bishop of Florida allege discrimination against a lesbian priest and misuse of church funds for personal advantage. If the bishop and his accusers can’t agree on an accord, the cases move to public hearings on April 30. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Diocese of Cape Town Mishandled Smyth Warnings
By Mark Michael
A Panel of Inquiry faulted the church’s failure to pass on allegations about the serial abuser to an evangelical congregation he joined in 2014, and said that failures in implementing its safeguarding system leaves congregants at risk. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Prayer Book Society Renews Dakota Hymnal
By Neva Rae Fox
Bishop Jonathan H. Folts: “By using Dakota hymnals, we aim to honor and uphold Native cultural understandings and theology.” Read on ([link removed]) .
** Sean Rowe Seated as 28th Presiding Bishop
By Meredyth Albright
“We need to find the face of Christ in the faces of marginalized,” Bishop Rowe said, adding that in Christ’s kingdom, “the people at the edge are in the center.” Read on ([link removed]) .
** Calvin Robinson Loses License After Parody
By Greta Gaffin
The Anglican Catholic Church revoked the conservative Anglican provocateur’s license after he ended a speech with a gesture mimicking Elon Musk’s. He described it “dry British wit.” Read on ([link removed]) .
** Old-Growth Forest Network Welcomes Va. Parish
By Cara Meredith
When St. Peter’s in the Woods went through a season of re-envisioning in 2024, the rector, vestry, and entire parish realized the importance of caring for the land. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Podcast: The Church in Dark Times
Amber Noel talks with Mike Cosper, producer of the award-winning podcast The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, about dangerous ideologies in politics and church, how they work their way into leadership, and what we might learn more broadly from downfalls among church leaders. Listen here ([link removed]) .
** Of Politics, Pulpits, and Presidents
By Jordan Hylden
Bishop Mariann Budde spoke from the pulpit to the president, asking for mercy. How do we talk about serious moral and political issues from the pulpit in a way that will be heard? Read on ([link removed]) .
** A New School on Old Principles
By Chip Prehn
With fresh enthusiasm, a new Anglican boarding school in Virginia echoes the vision and principles of the church school movement of an earlier generation. Read on ([link removed]) .
** Eucharistic Commitment in a Divided World
By Kristine Blaess
Unity in Christ, centered on the Eucharist, involves both mutual submission and transformative relationships that reflect the triune God’s redeeming love. Read on ([link removed]) .
** The Soul in the Theology and Ministry of Irenaeus
By Grayden McCashen
The early church father developed sophisticated teachings about the soul that underline how the gospel is for all people. Read on ([link removed]) .
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