New investigation.
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  • Last year, White Coat Waste Project (WCW)’s Seeing Red investigation uncovered horrific taxpayer-funded dog testing in Chinese labs
  • New federal contracts obtained by WCW via FOIA show 300 beagles per week are being force-fed and injected with drugs in wasteful tests in China funded with our tax dollars
  • The documents from the Chinese lab state: “Beagle dog is docile, cute, and easy to domesticate, so it has been the best choice”
  • The National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense are funding this puppy abuse in China through a recently extended contract
  • With support from leading lawmakers, WCW has unveiled a plan urging President Trump and DOGE to defund all dog testing and animal labs in China

In early 2020, White Coat Waste first exposed and ended Dr. Fauci’s reckless funding for gain-of-function animal tests in Wuhan that violated federal policy, likely infected COVID Patient Zero, and sparked a pandemic.

Now, the CIA has joined other intelligence agencies, experts, and 7-in-10 Americans by admitting that the Wuhan animal lab likely caused COVID.

But, despite what happened in Wuhan, our recent “Seeing Red” investigation uncovered how deadly dog testing and other animal experiments are still being funded by American tax dollars in dozens of Chinese laboratories.

Now, never-before-seen documents obtained by WCW through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) reveal disturbing details of one of these active taxpayer-funded Chinese dog labs.

Records show that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense (DOD) have recently extended a contract for abusive and wasteful drug tests on 300 beagles weekly until the end of May 2025.  NIH is paying $124,000 and the DOD is kicking in an unspecified amount of taxpayers’ money.

The documents detail show puppies as young as 8 months old will be forced to endure traumatic procedures like repeatedly having tubes shoved down their throats to force-feed them experimental drugs and be restrained for hours on end.

This 18-month-old female beagle had her spinal cord severed and was killed by experimenters at an NIH-funded laboratory in China tied to the Chinese Communist party.

Records show that this taxpayer-funded contract is paying the Chinese lab to abuse 300 beagles per week for 91 weeks in this testing!

The documents revealed how truly callous these white coats in China are. Why did they choose to torture beagles? Because of their best qualities: how loveable and cute they are. In their own words: “Beagle dog is docile, cute, and easy to domesticate, so it has been the best choice.”

These wasteful tax-funded puppy tests are allegedly being conducted to fulfill regulatory requirements even though the Food and Drug Administration has stated clearly that it, “does not mandate that human drugs be studied in dogs.”

The records also expose another $108,000 wasted for deadly drug tests on an estimated 100,000 mice and rats.

In all, we’ve uncovered that at least 26 animal laboratories in China have active approvals to receive taxpayer dollars from the NIH, DOD, and other government agencies. Some of these animal labs are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and linked to the Chinese military.

Is this how you want your money spent?

For years—from Fauci’s beagle lab in Tunisia to the NIH’s “coke hounds”—WCW has been leading the fight to expose and stop the government’s wasteful spending on barbaric dog experiments at home and abroad. It’s at the very top of our list of priorities for President Trump and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

American taxpayers should never be forced to fund beagle abuse in unaccountable foreign animal labs.

Demand NIH stop shipping your tax money to China. Show your support by signing our petition today!

Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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