You may remember that I went to the border 6 months ago, during the bad old days of the Biden regime, to see the disaster unfolding for myself.
It was AWFUL.
It was disgusting and littered; evidence of cartel presence was everywhere; and disturbingly, NGOs were helping illegals cross into the country.
Now, a couple weeks into the Trump Administration, WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT MAKES!
I went to Sasabe to see how it's going now.
So, still no wall- thanks to Biden- but also no crossers. I am told that illegal crossings are down about 95%.
Still too high, but a vast improvement. And in fact, some of the invaders are actually respecting Trump's stand and self-deporting!
Before, there were camps that gave the invaders supplies and maps. Not now. Those are folded up and abandoned!
Unfortunately, the border still isn't manned sufficiently, and crossing do continue- including hostile cartel crossings.
We need the wall built, AND we need more armed patrols at the border!
The thing that's clear is that the extreme Left- such as Arizona's Dem governor- STILL doesn't get that we need the border closed.
They don't understand that we don't want the gangs, the crime, the drugs or cartels. THEY are ok with those things, but WE are not.
Reports have come out about leftist NGOs coaching illegals STILL in how to evade law enforcement and invade Arizona.
This is INSANE. Arizona Republicans need to win statewide next year so we can prosecute these NGOs, as well as have a governor willing to put the National Guard on the border to stop invaders, drugs and cartels!
The good news: Trump has made real progress.
The bad news: there is still more to be done, and the radical Left is STILL encouraging the invasion and helping the invaders.
AZ's governor is still refusing to enforce the laws, and she is proclaiming that she will not cooperate with ICE.
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona Senator LD7
PS: We are making moves, passing good bills and plugging the holes in the border. But making these bills into law requires a BIG push of public opinion. Help us make the case and show people you care!
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Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.