Biggs for

We have just over 5 months until Election Day, and the Democrats and their leftist megadonors are spending millions to turn Arizona blue and take control of the entire federal government.

That's why it's so critical for my team to hear directly from grassroots conservatives like you who are on the ground closest to the issues that matter in our fight to take back the House Majority and re-elect President Trump.

Will you take a few moments to answer our quick Official 2020 Election Survey?

Official 2020 Election Survey

For: [email protected]
Date: 05/27/2020

Take Survey NOW

The Dems are flooding my district and Arizona with millions of dollars in misinformation and leftist propaganda. Your input today will help us push back and prioritize the issues our voters really care about.

What's important to you? Is it getting Americans back to work, securing our election, strengthening our southern border, appointing conservative judges, or holding China accountable? I want to hear directly from YOU!

The Democrats are throwing everything they have at us. And we're doing everything we can to put a stop to them. You can do your part right now by taking our quick 2020 Election Survey.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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