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Black History Month is a time to honor the momentous accomplishments, courageous strides, and lasting impacts that African Americans have had on America’s history.
From innovations in science and medicine to enriching our culture through the arts, athletics, and humanities, African Americans have helped make our country a leader across so many disciplines and industries.
Black history is a critical part of the foundation upon which America is built. It is forged in the fight to ensure that America’s ideals are equitably enjoyed by those who help build it and a solemn reminder to us all that democracy is a process — not an achievement. Black history is American history, and while Black History Month is celebrated during February, Black history, excellence, and influence prevail year-round.
Since I was first elected to the U.S. House, I’ve seen the Congressional Black Caucus grow over the years — achieving historic levels of membership, fighting against discrimination and racial inequities, and paving the way for future Black leaders.
As we celebrate Black History Month, it is my wish that we reflect on the rich contributions and struggles that African Americans endured so that we can all commit ourselves to striving toward an inclusive society. Because when we understand each other’s past, there will be no limitations to where we will go together.
Thank you,
Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.
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Congressman Sanford Bishop is serving in the United States House of Representatives, representing the constituents of the Second Congressional District of Georgia. A consensus builder who works with members on both sides of the aisle, Congressman Bishop is uniquely dedicated to his constituents and has demonstrated himself as a leader inside of Congress.
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