Take our brief survey to share your insights
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# February 6, 2025
Share Your Insights on Digestive System Issues and Aging With Cystic Fibrosis
As the CF Foundation continues work to support its next strategic plan, we have identified two areas of community concern to further explore: digestive system issues and aging with CF. We invite you to complete
this brief survey ([link removed])
to help identify and describe the impact that digestive system issues have on your everyday life, and to provide more insight into your concerns around aging with CF.
Take the survey » ([link removed])
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Connect With the CF Community at an Event
You can help end cystic fibrosis by participating in one of our events: BreatheTeam, CF Climb, CF Cycle for Life, Great Strides, ROSE UP, or Xtreme Hike.
Your registration is more than a sign-up ([link removed])
-- it's a commitment to driving research forward, supporting innovative care, and advancing current therapies so that every person with CF will have a treatment -- and ultimately -- a cure. Register today and deepen your connection and support for the CF community!
Sign up for an event » ([link removed])
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Connect With Fellow Young Professionals
Interested in making a difference for people with cystic fibrosis? Join us for a
virtual coffee chat February 12 at 12 p.m. or 3 p.m. EST ([link removed])
to learn about Tomorrow's Leaders -- a dynamic community of young professionals driven to transform the lives of everyone living with cystic fibrosis.
Save your seat » ([link removed])
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National Annual Meeting 2025 Now Available on YouTube
In case you missed it, our
National Annual Meeting is now available on YouTube ([link removed]). Hear from our President and CEO, Michael Boyle, MD, our Executive Vice President and Chief Operating and Financial Officer, Irena Barisic, and other leaders about what's ahead for 2025. During the National Annual Meeting, they answered questions directly from the community.
Watch the recording » ([link removed])
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www.cff.org en español ([link removed])
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