From Ben D'Avanzo, National Immigration Law Center <[email protected]>
Subject Mass deportations or lose funding — Congress wants cities to choose
Date February 6, 2025 9:00 PM
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Friend, members of Congress are expected to vote soon on the dangerous and cruel No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act (H.R.32), and we need your help urging them to vote no. Here’s why:

H.R.32 would give the Trump administration unchecked power to freeze funding for cities and states that do not cooperate with its mass deportation agenda — putting funding for critical programs at risk.

If passed, this bill could strip funding from essential programs in these locations that millions of people rely on, including:

School meal programs that help ensure no child goes hungry

Domestic violence shelters that provide lifesaving support to survivors of violence

Hospital reimbursements for emergency care services that are provided to all patients, regardless of immigration status

Transportation projects that keep our roads and transit running

Public health vaccination programs, nutrition assistance for new mothers, and homeless shelters could also lose funding. And unlike the current federal funding freeze drawing outrage, this would have Congress’s rubber stamp.

The consequences would be devastating and felt by every person within a community, no matter their immigration status. Join us in urging your representatives to vote NO on the No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act:


Thank you for your support,&nbsp;

Ben D’Avanzo
Senior Strategist, Health &amp; Economic Justice&nbsp;
National Immigration Law Center


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