Urban Institute
500 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, DC 20024
Maternal and infant health inequities remain a significant challenge in the United States, disproportionately affecting historically marginalized communities. Despite gains in coverage through Affordable Care Act expansions, many women of reproductive age still face gaps in care and disparities in birth outcomes.
These inequities stem from lack of access created by systemic and social barriers, including discrimination and bias, language differences, and educational and economic inequities.
The Urban Institute, in collaboration with Policies for Action (P4A), a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, invites you to join this robust, solutions-based discussion. Together with researchers, policymakers, advocates, and health care providers, we will explore evidence, experience, and policy considerations to achieve maternal and infant health equity. The ultimate collective goal is to create a future in which reproductive health equity is a reality for families throughout the United States.
Lisa Dubay, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute; Codirector, Policies for Action
Danielle Gartner, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Michigan State University Julia Interrante, Research Fellow and Statistical Lead, Rural Health Research Center, University of Minnesota
Emily M. Johnston, Principal Research Associate, Health Policy Division, Urban Institute
Aza Nedari, Cofounder and Executive Director, Mamatoto Village
Noémie Sportiche, Researcher, Mathematica; Associate, Harvard University
Jamila Taylor, President and CEO, Institute for Women’s Policy Research
Additional policymakers and community leaders to be announced.
This event is available for in-person or virtual participation. Please be sure to register correctly. In-person check-in and lunch will begin at 12:30 p.m.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please email [email protected] if you require any accommodations or have any questions about this event.
Funding for this event was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Policies for Action program. The views expressed should not be attributed to the Foundation or to Urban Institute, its trustees, or its funders. For more on Urban’s funding policies, go to urban.org/about/our-funding.
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500 L’Enfant Plaza SW Washington, DC 20024