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"The following *Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center* news item is being sent to DACF subscribers as a courtesy."
Dairy Modernization Grant Application Closing Soon
NDBIC Improvement Modernization
The application for the Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center's *Dairy Farm Improvement & Modernization Grant [ [link removed] ]*closes on *Thursday, February 20 at 2:00 pm ET.*
This grant focuses on projects that update outdated systems or try new and innovative solutions, with the goal of enhancing farm viability, reducing climate impacts, improving milk quality or value, improving worker conditions, and strengthening the farm’s ability to respond to challenges.
*Awards will range from $15,000 to $100,000*, requiring a 25% in-kind or cash match. The Request for Applications is available on the NE-DBIC website [ [link removed] ].
This grant is open to applicants in 11 Northeast states, including Maine.
"*Since the Executive Order freezing federal funding, NE-DBIC has received questions from some applicants wondering if they should still apply for this grant. NE-DBIC is proceeding as planned with this grant opportunity and encourages all applicants to submit their application on time. "
Grant Details/RFA [ [link removed] ]
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