Dear fellow MoveOn member,
For years, Target has been a leader in corporate responsibility, championing initiatives designed to empower small businesses, increase Black representation in the workforce, and make its customers feel seen. These programs aren't just good for people—they're also good for business.
Target was one of the most outspoken supporters of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. But now, Target leadership is suddenly backtracking on their commitment to these programs.
Target's past pledges—like increasing Black workforce representation by 20%, supporting minority-owned suppliers, and donating to social justice causes—have positively impacted countless lives.1 Donald Trump has been targeting DEI efforts since Day 1 in office, and by caving to his divisive threats, Target is betraying the very customers who have supported its success.
In 2020, Target CEO Brian Cornell said George Floyd's murder by police, which took place just 10 minutes from Target's headquarters, had a personal impact on him and Target employees.2 This ignited a cascade of actions at the company to "advance racial equity," including establishing an executive Racial Equity Action and Change committee to "focus specifically on how we can drive lasting impact" for Black employees and customers.3
In the five years that have followed, Target's DEI initiatives have transformed lives. Employees have found opportunities to grow their careers in inclusive environments, customers have felt valued through inclusive marketing campaigns, and minority-owned businesses have thrived thanks to supplier diversity programs. The evidence behind these programs is overwhelming:
This doesn't end with Target; it's about a larger fight against corporate backpedaling on inclusivity programs. Across the country, prominent businesses from Amazon to Walmart are scaling back or ending their commitments to DEI, caving to pressure from conservative activists and, now, the White House.7 It's up to us to send a clear message that inclusivity isn't optional, and companies that abandon DEI will be held accountable by customers who are paying attention.
By signing the petition, you're joining our call for Target to:
Thanks for all you do.
–Garrett N., MoveOn member
1. "Target was one of the most outspoken supporters of DEI. It's changed its tune," CNN, February 3, 2025
2. Ibid.
3. "Here are Target's Latest Actions to Advance Racial Equity," Target Brands, Inc., August 17, 2020
4. "What Makes an Inclusive Leader?" Harvard Business Review, September 27, 2023
5. "ANA's AIMM Research Reveals Consumers Want Brands to Commit and Not Back Down From Diversity And Inclusion Practices," ANA, October 26, 2023
6. "What Makes an Inclusive Leader?" Harvard Business Review, September 27, 2023
7. "These U.S. Companies Are Pulling Back on Diversity Initiatives," TIME, January 24, 2025
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