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** PDF of February 6 issue ([link removed] )
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Download the color version. Download the black & white version. Growing resistance to fascist attacks IN THIS ISSUE Weaponizing DEI: war on workers and the oppressed Hunter College students defend migrant rights Panamanians reject Marco Rubio’s visit Editorial: What caused the plane crash? Union busting, not DEI! Mundo Obrero: Repudiamos la . . .
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** We won’t work, but we will march! ([link removed] )
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Marchers gathered at City Hall to demand Mayor Parker defend refugees and migrant workers from ICE. Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 2025. Philadelphia Hundreds of refugees, migrant workers and their supporters marched in opposition to President Trump’s anti-immigrant policies on Feb. 3 in Philadelphia. Organized by Juntos and other organizations, the march . . .
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** Trump’s policies threaten higher food prices ([link removed] )
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During the 2024 election, candidate Donald Trump blamed President Joe Biden’s administration for high food prices and the inflation that has driven up the cost of living. Trump said he would lower the costs of everyday food items “on Day 1.” Trump claimed his election win gave him a mandate . . .
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** Houseless man’s death fuels demands for immediate change ([link removed] )
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Cornelius Taylor. Atlanta Cornelius Taylor’s funeral was held on Feb. 3 in the prestigious Ebenezer Baptist Church, once pastored by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and now led by Rev. Rafael Warnock, also a U.S. senator representing Georgia. This institution is a key part of the famed section of . . .
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** ‘Willing to work with Trump’ – a big mistake for union leaders ([link removed] )
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Shawn Fain, president of the United Auto Workers union, wrote an op-ed piece for the Washington Post, stating in the title, “We’re ready to work with Trump.” In it Fain claimed: “We hope to find common ground on overhauling our devastating trade policies and rebuilding U.S. manufacturing. Trump has promised . . .
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