Dear John,

Hollywood is hiding critical info about your kids' shows.

2025 is the year we demand change.

This fight is more urgent than ever.

Disney, Netflix, Hollywood, and other entertainment giants continue to sneak controversial LGBTQ themes into kids’ programming, giving parents no warning and no choice.

Will you stand with the 10,000 families who have already signed?

The industry has proven time and again that it cannot be trusted to regulate itself. It’s up to us to demand transparency and protect our children from being blindsided by the radical LGBTQ agenda.

Let’s make 2025 the year we take back parental authority and protect the innocence of our children with a new LGBTQ rating for children's programming. 


Standing strong for families,

Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Sign today, and forward this email to five friends or family members who care about protecting our kids and defending parental rights. Together, we’ll make 2025 a historic! Demand LGBTQ ratings for children's programming! Demand a LGBTQ warning rating! Join 10,000! This movement is gaining momentum

Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:

Parents deserve the right to know what their children are watching.

Demand a new rating to warn about controversial LGBTQ content in kids programming.

Hollywood is hiding LGBTQ themes in children's programming.

Stand up for parental rights,

children’s innocence,

and transparency. 


Dear John,

As a parent, you have every right to know what’s being funneled into your child’s entertainment. But Hollywood, Netflix, Disney, and other children’s content creators don’t think so. They’re blatantly ignoring our concerns, dismissing parents like you and me who are tired of watching our family values get trampled.

For over a decade, we’ve made it clear: Stop forcing LGBTQ and gender confusion indoctrination into children’s programming. But instead of listening, they’ve ramped up their efforts, saturating our children’s shows with controversial content—targeting younger and younger audiences.

That’s why we are demanding the Classification and Rating Administration (CARA) create a new rating system that warns parents when LGBTQ and gender confusion content is included in children’s programming. 

This is fresh on my mind because recently, I was babysitting my four-year-old grandson, and I turned on what I thought was an age-appropriate show. To my shock, although the show was designed for toddlers, the main characters were two dads raising their daughter to be a boy!

You can imagine my dismay—I felt blindsided. What should have been a simple, innocent cartoon turned into a not-so-subtle attempt to normalize ideas that are entirely out of step with our family's values. I was frustrated and angry.

Here I was, trying to provide my grandson with safe, wholesome entertainment, and instead, I found myself having to explain concepts about LGBTQ ideologies that no four-year-old should be wrestling with. And it's certainly not what parents and grandparents expect when they sit on the couch to watch a toddler program with their little ones.

Sign our petition to CARA Chairman Kelly McMahon, along with Senior Raters Tracey Downs and Mario Moogan.

It was a wake-up call—LGBTQ elitists are pushing this agenda everywhere, even in places we least expect. And it’s our children and grandchildren who are paying the price.

Despite hundreds of thousands of signatures and petitions, these media giants refuse to respect our parental rights. They disdain our family values. It’s part of a coordinated campaign to normalize LGBTQ and radical gender ideology while stripping parents and grandparents of our rightful roles in raising our children.

Make no mistake—Hollywood and its allies have declared war on the family. And they’ve put their crosshairs on your children.

They refuse to be transparent about their agenda. And it’s time for us to push back.

This fight is about childhood innocence, transparency, and respect for parental rights.

The media industry is betraying parents, deliberately slipping LGBTQ and gender confusion themes into children's shows without warning.

Just as I shared about my grandson and how I put on what I thought was a simple, age-appropriate show.  I didn’t expect to have to screen the made-for-toddler’s show, beforehand. By the time I realized what was happening, he had already been exposed to a complex and controversial LGBTQ ideology. Even worse, if I hadn’t caught it and had gone to the kitchen to finish preparing lunch, I would’ve never known what he had seen.

Think about it—if we weren’t informed about violence, drug use, or explicit language in children’s programs, we’d be outraged. Well, I am outraged about this, just as most parents are. We deserve the same heads-up when it comes to these complex and controversial issues.

Parents have the God-given right to raise their children according to their values. This lack of transparency is an outright violation.

That’s why we’re demanding change.

We want clear warning labels for LGBTQ and gender confusion content—just like there are warnings for violence, smoking, or explicit language. Parents need to know what’s in these shows before they sit down to watch them, empowering them to decide what’s right for their children ahead of time.

I am not alone. We are a massive, united movement of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and concerned citizens. Children need your voice to make a difference!

Sign the petition today to flood the CARA office with emails.

We will no longer allow them to sneak into our homes uninvited!

We must stop the silent invasion of LGBTQ content.

They intentionally start with the youngest viewers, and it is up to us to demand our right to know the content ahead of time. We have the right to protect our children against predatory LGBTQ ideology. 

Winning this battle will set a powerful precedent in America and beyond. It will protect parental rights, uphold transparency, and remind children’s content creators that parents are the ultimate authority when it comes to raising our kids—not them.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. If we lose, they will be emboldened to push their radical agenda even further, undermining family values and parental rights.

But if we win, parents across the country—and the world—will have the right to know exactly what’s being shown to their children. This victory will ripple across generations, safeguarding our values and rights for years to come.

Parents have the right to demand that their children not be exposed to these complex and controversial cultural issues. They must be able to protect their children’s innocence and decide what is appropriate for them to watch.

Sign the petition now and demand transparency from CARA Chairman Kelly McMahon and Senior Raters Tracey Downs and Mario Moogan.

Standing for Parental Rights,

Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. CARA is a small office, with a few volunteers. Let’s flood their emails with thousands of petitions demanding transparency!  Be part of making the historic change in our rating system! After you’ve signed, please share this petition with as many people as possible. Together, we can change the rating system forever!

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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