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Dear John,
Last night, President Trump, sitting beside a smiling Benjamin Netanyahu, unveiled a deeply alarming vision for Gaza's future. His proposal calls for the United States to assume control over Gaza and redevelop it into "the Riviera of the Middle East" – a plan that would forcibly displace over two million Palestinian residents from their homeland.
In response, we are leading a broad coalition of civil society organizations to urge members of Congress to reject this dangerous proposal. We are mobilizing a coalition behind an MPAC-led letter to the Chairman and Ranking Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, calling on lawmakers to denounce the proposal and reiterate their support for the self-determination and sovereignty of the Palestinian people.
This dangerous proposal has already been met with bipartisan opposition from prominent members of the Senate Foreign Relation Committee including Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) who summarized ([link removed]) the proposal saying, “He just said that it will be U.S. policy to forcibly displace 2 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. That is ethnic cleansing by another name.” Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) also expressed his outrage saying, “We have no business contemplating yet another occupation to doom our treasure and spill our soldiers blood.”
This proposal is not just impractical; it is a blatant violation of international law, as the forced displacement of an entire population constitutes a war crime. By proposing to replace Israeli occupation with U.S. occupation, this plan erases Palestinian sovereignty and subjects millions of innocent civilians to further suffering, instability, and disenfranchisement.
We call on civil society groups and members of the press and faith leaders to reject this dangerous proposal and demand policies that uphold international law, safeguard human rights, and support a just and lasting peace for Palestine.
The Palestinian people deserve a future built on justice, dignity, and self-determination—not forced displacement and foreign occupation.
In service,
Haris Tarin
Vice President, Policy and Programming
Muslim Public Affairs Council
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