Dear Friend,
I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends. As always if you need anything from my office, you can reach me via my Contact page or by calling 202-225-5031.
All Across Mississippi
Last week, my team and I traveled all across the Third Congressional District of Mississippi. I attended various meetings, handed out awards, and connected with folks who are working hard to make Mississippi a great place to live, worship, and raise a family. My team and I are dedicated to visiting you in your community and hearing your perspectives and concerns. Check out some of the places we have been and events we have attended:
I want to congratulate Kadence Anding for winning the Congressional App Challenge for Mississippi’s Third Congressional District. I was honored to meet her lastweek at Brandon High School and present Kadence with an award for her hard work. Kadence is a great young lady who has an incredibly bright future ahead.
I was in Meridian on Tuesday for the EMBDC annual meeting and had the opportunity to meet with business leaders, municipal officials, and county officials. I want to thank these individuals for their hard work, and I look forward to finding new opportunities for my office to partner with East Mississippi community leaders.
I want to thank Mayor Gene McGee for taking time to give me an update on all the great things happening in Ridgeland. Mayor McGee was sworn in as mayor in 1989 and Ridgeland has grown tremendously under Mayor McGee’s leadership.
I enjoyed visiting with Mississippi leaders during the State of the State address given by Governor Reeves. Mississippi has seen unprecedented economic development and amazing educational success under Governor Reeves’ leadership. The future of Mississippi has never looked brighter.
Coming to Your Area Soon
My staff will be on-site for Constituent Services Day events to support residents in Clarke County and Jefferson Davis County. We would love for you to stop by and say hello or request assistance with a federal casework matter. Details are below:
Poll Results from Last Week
Recently, I asked if you supported my work to promote pro-life policies, and 78% of you said yes. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X to stay up-to-date on my work serving you.
Weekly Poll
I ask. You answer.