| | | Wednesday, February 5 Round Up: Affordable housing resources, nominate a housing leader, ELPN kickoff event & more! |
| | ✊ ICYMI: Grounded in Our Vision of Homes for All |
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| The last few weeks have been tough for the affordable housing community. The President’s Executive Orders and the administration’s attempted, illegal funding freeze – which would have had dire consequences on affordable housing programs, among other critical community care – have caused concern, confusion, and chaos. NPH is committed to our role in the Bay Area, working with our members and partners to identify the most meaningful strategies to defend our communities and continue expanding support and funding for critical affordable housing programs locally, regionally, and across California. Resources to Support Affordable Housing Drawing on our network of national partners and legal experts, NPH has developed a curated list of resources and information to support member needs now: |
| | 🧑💻 Peer Learning & Collective Action through Our Working Groups |
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| There are two working group meetings on the horizon that will allow you to dive deeper into our collective work toward housing and racial justice in the Bay Area! Learn more below: - Join us for this year’s first convening of the Strategic Communications Council on Wednesday, February 19 from 3-4PM PT. Whether you’re a returning member or a new member, your input is critical in helping NPH digest our communities’ greatest messaging challenges and shape our communications priorities for the year.
- Join our Legislative Issues Committee to discuss topics related to housing policy, funding, and programs on the regional, state, and federal levels, and make preliminary recommendations to guide and inform NPH’s position on each issue. The group typically meets monthly and the next meeting is Thursday, February 6 from 9:30-10:30AM PT.
Sign up for NPH working groups today to be notified about upcoming meetings for each respective working group. |
| | 🎊 Celebrate Housers: Submit a Nominee for the NPH Awards! |
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| Do you know someone who exemplifies excellence in affordable housing? We’re now accepting nominations for the 29th NPH Affordable Housing Leadership Awards! NPH’s Annual Leadership Awards are for our members and nominated by our members! Submit your nominee today and help us recognize the outstanding contributions of our peers. |
| | Submission deadline: Wednesday, February 12 at 12PM |
| | 🎉 Kick Off 2025 With ELPN! |
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| Kick off 2025 with a get-together of affordable housing professionals! Join the Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) on Thursday, February 20 from 5:30-7:30PPM PT at Kinfolx in Oakland for the 2025 ELPN Kickoff, a casual happy hour to network, make friends, and learn from peers. If you’re new to the affordable housing field, your presence is especially encouraged! |
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| | MEMBER EVENTS AND PARTNER OPPORTUNITIES Do you have an event you'd like featured on the website and in our newsletter? Please complete this form. |
| | 2/10, COA: Budget Assistance & Grant Management Join the Community Opportunity Alliance and the Environmental Protection Network (EPN) for a webinar that will provide an overview of the pro bono technical assistance that they provide for federal grants that support environmental justice. The webinar is designed for community-based development organizations. EPN will showcase the resources that they offer organizations for budgeting environmental grant programs. |
3/14-4/17, HLC: Housing Advocate Training The Housing Leadership Council has planned a program aimed at supporting faith and community leaders throughout San Mateo County in understanding policy and building advocacy skills to prevent displacement, preserve existing homes, and produce new housing opportunities. Attendees will attend six weekly training sessions, which will be delivered by a combination of HLC staff, partner organizations, and current and former elected officials. |
| SV@Home: Affordable Housing Month 2025 Event Proposal Affordable Housing Month(AHM) in Santa Clara County is quickly approaching! During the month of May, SV@Home convenes the region’s housing partners to host dozens of virtual workshops, webinars, and creative community engagement opportunities to activate and engage our community of housing advocates and the general public around our housing challenges and solutions. |
HSCC: Affordable Housing Month 2025 Event Proposal Affordable Housing Month in Santa Cruz County is right around the corner! Housing Santa Cruz County brings together the region’s housing partners to host virtual workshops, webinars, and creative community engagement opportunities in order to activate and engage the community of housing advocates and the general public around their housing challenges and solutions. |
| EBHO: Affordable Housing Month 2025 Event Proposal Each May, East Bay Housing Organizations joins their partners across the Bay Area to celebrate Affordable Housing Month. AHM is an opportunity to come together to build support for affordable housing and racial justice and educate our communities on how affordable housing benefits us all. |
| | | Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 49 Stevenson Street, Suite 500 | San Francisco, California 94105 415-989-8160 | [email protected] |
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