From Team Fischbach <[email protected]>
Subject Democrats Can’t Win—So They’re Trying to Cheat
Date February 5, 2025 6:00 PM
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We warned you weeks ago: Democrats are weaponizing special elections to come
for our House majority.

Now, they’re proving us right.

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Click here to help defend the House majority. >>
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New York Democrats know they can’t win Elise Stefanik’s seat (NY-21), one we
highlighted last month. It’s a solid-red district.

So instead of competing, they’re trying to cheat—delaying the special election
for months to keep a Republican seat vacant and shrink our majority.

It’s election manipulation from a hard-core, partisan governor, plain and

John, whoever the Republican candidate is for NY-21, they’ll need resources to
counter these dirty tricks AND win.

Please, rush a donation now to helpTeam Fischbach defend the majority and
defeat the Democrats’ election-meddling:
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We can’t trust that the situation in New York will just work itself out. If we
lose seats like NY-21, President Trump’s agenda will be at risk.

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Thank you for taking action.

Team Fischbach

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