From Ken Martin (via <[email protected]>
Subject Which side are we on?
Date February 5, 2025 4:18 PM
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[1]Democrats[2]Join us.
I’ve just begun my first week as DNC Chair, and in a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to help us build the strongest possible Democratic Party.

But first, I hope you’ll give me a minute to tell you more about why I ran for this position, how I view the work ahead of us, and why your support right now is so important.

While Donald Trump was being inaugurated, I was marching with labor leaders outside of Ebenezer Baptist Church, the home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As we marched, we sang the old Union song, “Which Side Are You On?”

For a pro-labor progressive like me — a guy who has carried a union card and organized throughout his life — that song cut straight to my core. And in the last few weeks, I’ve thought of it again and again.

Which side are we on? Are we on the side of the ultra-wealthy billionaire, the oil and gas polluter, the union buster? Or are we on the side of the working family, the small business owner, the farmer, the immigrants, the students?

I know which side I’m on. I hope you do, too.

Right now as Democrats, we have to not just fight the extremes of Donald Trump, but make a sharp case to families in both red states and blue states about why they should trust us with their votes. We have to show them that we are on their side.

If you agree, and you’re ready to get to work, I hope you’ll make a contribution now to help us keep building a Democratic Party that will do just that:

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Too many people view politics as a sport — we win an election, we put a tick in the box and pat ourselves on the back. But this is personal for me, as it is for so many others. Whether we win or lose has a material impact on peoples' lives.

That’s why the work we do now as a Party is so important, and it’s why I’m hoping I can count on your involvement and support.

Thank you and more soon,


Ken Martin
Democratic National Committee

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