From Anna Sophia Rowe <[email protected]>
Subject Scary photos of scary men…
Date February 5, 2025 4:16 PM
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Hi there,

Republican legislators didn’t waste any time before debuting their anti-choice priorities this session. In fact, 144 (mostly male) Republican members of Congress, including 35 Senators, signed a letter stating that they look forward to reinstating anti-choice policies from Trump’s previous term.

In addition to the letter, powerful legislators in both federal and state government are now authoring and sponsoring bills meant to severely limit women’s access to reproductive healthcare. The scariest part? The legislators leading the charge on these bills are all men.

Men should not be making laws about WOMEN’S bodies. We are working to elect pro-choice women who will defend our rights. Join us in this mission by rushing $20.25 or more today!

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Take a look at some of the latest bills – and the legislators who sponsored them.

The “Life at Conception Act”
“Every life is a sacred gift from God, deserving of dignity and protection from the moment of conception,” said Congressman Burlison. “The Life at Conception Act uses Congress’ constitutional authority to define personhood, fulfilling our moral and legal obligation to safeguard the lives of the unborn."
Sponsored by: U.S. Representative Eric Burlison (R-MO)

The “Ending Chemical Abortions Act of 2025”
This bill would impose a federal ban on medication abortions (the most common abortion method) and would also impose a prison sentence of up to 25 years on anyone who administers the medication. “I am committed to safeguarding the innocent and voiceless in our society,” Ogles said.
Sponsored by: U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN)

The “Born Alive Bill”
This bill targets late-term abortions, which are typically only performed during a medical emergency, to save the life of the mother or to relieve a baby with a likely terminal case from prolonged suffering.

Experts say this bill targets an issue that does not exist and, in some cases, could force physicians to deny newborns with complex fetal anomalies palliative care.
Sponsored by: Senator James Lankford (R-OK)

The “End Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Providers Act”
This bill is aimed at defunding Planned Parenthood, which would ultimately slash critical access to a number of healthcare services, including contraception, HIV testing, screening for sexually transmitted infections, and more.
Sponsored by: Senator Josh Hawley (MO)

Indiana Senate Bill 171
This bill has sweeping restrictions about abortion access in Indiana, including: “Requires a woman who is pregnant as a result of rape or incest to provide to her physician an affidavit attesting to the rape or incest before the physician performs the abortion.”
Sponsored by: Indiana State Senator Michael Young

The “South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection Act”
This would allow prosecutors to charge a woman who had an abortion with homicide which, in South Carolina, means she could face the death penalty.

Sponsored by the following South Carolina Representatives:
Rep. Robert J. Harris, Rep. Josiah Magnuson, Rep. William M. Chumley, Rep. James Mikell Burns, Rep. Steven Wayne Long, Rep. John Gregory Kilmartin

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: men should NOT be making laws about women's bodies – especially when they're making laws to RESTRICT women's bodily autonomy.

But, as we’ve seen from these bills (and so many more we didn’t even list in this email), male legislators are determined to control women’s bodies. Our best defense against these dangerous and scary policies is to have more WOMEN in the rooms where decisions are being made. We must elect more women to our government.

We’re working to ensure more pro-choice, pro-WOMEN women are elected to the rooms where decisions about OUR bodies are being made. Join our fight by rushing a donation now. →

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Anna Sophia Rowe
Her Bold Move

Her Bold Move is the fastest-growing support network for women running for office in the United States. Since our founding in 2020, we have supported hundreds of pro-choice, pro-women women candidates across 42 states and counting. As abortion bans and other dangerous laws about women tend to get passed in states with the lowest representation numbers for women in government (4%, 11%, 12%....) we've made it our mission to break the anti-choice male supermajorities in those state legislatures.

Support this work with a contribution today! [link removed]

Paid for by Her Bold Move Action.

Her Bold Move
One Park Row 5th Floor
Providence, RI 02903
United States

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