A properly funded emergency rental assistance program can help prevent evictions. The DC Council should assess how recent legislative changes affect tenants and landlords before making changes permanent, senior fellow Peter Tatian writes.
Providers said coaching helped them gain a deeper understanding of how to improve instructional and care practices, more confidence in their leadership, and an increased sense of professionalism.
Though most of DC’s nearly 500 facilities demonstrated at least one required safety correction, a smaller share did so in 2022 than 2019. Required safety corrections were related to recordkeeping, facility conditions, and more.
Over the pilot’s three years, its sites achieved generally positive results related to their core workforce development metrics. Explore key takeaways and lessons learned.
Boosting housing production in DC is critical and requires participation by all housing developers, but people of color and women remain significantly underrepresented in the multifamily housing development market in DC.