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Help shape MCB's Vision 2050
Join our root-and-branch review
Asalaam Alaykum Warahmatullah
I'm writing to you as Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain. Since the recent election, we have been formulating teams to take on the immense challenges that lie ahead.
We intend to seek support and input into Vision 2050 ([link removed]) : a hopeful aspiration we set out last week to unite British Muslims for effective action, empower our communities, and serve Muslims and our country so we may have a just, cohesive and successful British society.
Towards that goal we need an MCB that is fit for purpose. That’s why we are immediately undertaking a root-and-branch review of the organisation so that it can become a more effective, representative, and impactful organisation for British Muslims.
We are hoping to hear as many voices from all our diverse communities through the following ways:
* Town-Hall-style consultation meetings across the country
* One-to-one feedback sessions with individuals and organisations
* A comprehensive Muslim community survey (post-Ramadan)
You can participate by emailing us to take part in any of these activities.
Email us (mailto:
[email protected]?subject=MCB%20Root-and-branch%20review)
Last week the MCB team visited Muslim institutions in East London that were targeted with Islamophobic graffiti. The resilience shown by these institutions in the face of such hatred was truly inspiring.
As we move forward, we want to hear about and showcase the excellent work of our affiliates. Please share your success stories with us.
Maswood Ahmed
Deputy Secretary General, Muslim Council of Britain
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** Muslim Council of Britain Urges World to Rebuild Gaza and Stop the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
“The world seems paralysed when it comes to rebuilding Gaza, yet some find it acceptable to discuss the forced removal of Palestinians from their homeland...Our government must take a clear stand against these unconscionable proposals and demonstrate real leadership in international reconstruction efforts. Meanwhile, we also urge Muslim nations to move beyond solidarity to urgent and concrete action. We must be clear: reconstruction without displacement is not only possible – it is the only acceptable path forward.”
Access statement ([link removed])
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See also
MCB team visits mosques suffering Islamophobic attacks ([link removed])
Islam Channel report ([link removed])
Change for the community, change for MCB
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MCB’s Vision 2050 aims to unite British Muslims for effective action, empower our communities with the tools to excel, and serve Muslims and our country so we may have a just, cohesive and successful British society.
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The Muslim Council of Britain
PO Box 57330 London E1 2WJ
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