From MoveOn Petitions <[email protected]>
Subject Our fight is far from over. Begin your petition now to hold those in power accountable.
Date February 5, 2025 3:04 PM
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MoveOn’s free petition platform tool is easy to use—start a petition
[ [link removed] ]We cannot afford to stop now—start a petition and help us protect our

Dear MoveOn member,

The results of this election weren't what we were hoping for, and we know
how you may be feeling. You're not alone. Trump’s win feels like a
setback—a heavy blow to our fight for justice, equality, and the future we
envisioned. We are here with you. It's OK to feel angry, upset, or even
hopeless right now. Take your time to feel it all, but know the fight is
not over.

We know the hard work you poured into getting out the vote this year. From
phone-banking and canvassing to speaking to friends and neighbors, your
dedication has been awe-inspiring. As painful and concerning as it is,
Trump is returning to the White House, so we must regroup, be clear about
what's at stake, and plan our next steps together. 

[ [link removed] ]This setback isn't the end—our fight for a country where everyone can
thrive continues. Start your petition on an issue you care about—no matter
how big or small—and use the power of your voice to make change in your

The power of our voices, our shared determination, our unwavering
dedication—it's all still here. Every door you knocked on, every call you
made, every conversation you had was not in vain. We've planted seeds of
change across the country, and those seeds are growing.

Yes, Trump won this election, but he has not won our future. That future
belongs to us. And now, more than ever, we need to rally together and keep
pushing forward. The issues we care about—climate change, health care,
reproductive rights, racial justice, and upholding democracy—are more
urgent than ever. Trump's victory might encourage those who want to
dismantle our rights, but it should also fuel our perseverance to protect
and fight for them even harder. [ [link removed] ]Will you start a petition about an
issue you care about?

[4]Start a petition

There is no doubt that Trump and Republicans are going to do everything in
their power to keep stripping us of our rights and freedoms at the
federal, state, and local level. This is our moment to stand strong, to
show that we are not going to back down just because the outcome wasn't
what we were hoping for. The fight for our rights, our dignity, and our
democracy continues, and it's up to us to lead it. [ [link removed] ]We need you—all of
us—to stay in this fight. Start a petition on the issue that matters most
to you, and let's keep this momentum going.

Starting your petition is just the beginning. With MoveOn's platform, you
can share it with friends, family, and fellow MoveOn members and gain the
support you need to make an impact. The process is straightforward, and
our team is here to help you every step of the way. [ [link removed] ]Don't wait—take
action now by starting a petition and be the voice that drives the change
we need.

Many of us are still grieving, and that's OK. Feel the weight of this
moment, let yourself process it, and when you're ready, remember: We
cannot give up. We're worth fighting for. Our shared future is worth
fighting for. And together, we will rise again and push for the better
world we all deserve.

Thank you for all you do.

–Valeria, Aliya, Jensine, Isbah, and the rest of the team

Want to support MoveOn's work? The MoveOn community will work every
moment, day by day and year by year, to resist Trump's agenda, contain the
damage, defeat hate with love, and begin the process of swinging the
nation's pendulum back toward sanity, decency, and the kind of future that
we must never give up on. And to do it MoveOn needs your ongoing support,
now more than ever. Will you stand with MoveOn?

[ [link removed] ]Yes, I'll chip in $5 a month.

[ [link removed] ]No, I'm sorry, I can't make a monthly donation.


PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, [ [link removed] ][link removed]?.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political
Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

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