From Gatestone Institute <[email protected]>
Subject What Is Really Destroying Europe? The EU.
Date February 5, 2025 11:07 AM
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** What Is Really Destroying Europe? The EU. ([link removed])

by Drieu Godefridi • February 5, 2025 at 5:30 am
* The truth is that the reduction in CO[2] emissions in Europe is almost exclusively due to industry leaving Europe. That is the dirty little secret of the Green Deal: Europe is reducing its CO[2] emissions to the extent and in proportion to the destruction of its industry.
* The EU elite has lost control of the narrative. Europeans are turning away from the lies and myths of the Green Deal en masse.
* Given the absence of precise definitions, the censors do whatever they want.... In practice, these censors massively quash so-called "right-wing" content, while leaving the abundant anti-Semitic, Islamist and Marxist literature untouched.
* [T]he EU is, in reality, a Potemkin democracy. It looks like a democracy, but is in fact an authoritarian bureaucracy. There is no election by the citizens of a parliament worthy of the name, no transparency, no recourses and, it seems, no way of eliminating the organization or any part of it. European citizens can vote as they please, but it is a self-appointed elite within the European institutions who decide the future of Europe. These "elites" will do anything to keep themselves and their ideology in power.
* In addition, Qatar has massively infiltrated the European Parliament, buying ([link removed]) parliamentarians to promote its interests and its Islamist vision of the world.
* Can one measure the sense of alienation that must be felt by Europeans, forced to finance a corrupt bureaucracy working against their interests?
* When it comes to migration, the economy, free speech and democracy, the EU is not the solution to any problem. The EU is the problem.

The truth is that the reduction in CO[2] emissions in Europe is almost exclusively due to industry leaving Europe. That is the dirty little secret of the Green Deal: Europe is reducing its CO[2] emissions to the extent and in proportion to the destruction of its industry. (Image source: iStock/Getty Images)

The founding idea of the European Union was to build, through shared prosperity, solidarity and a sense of shared destiny among the nations of Europe. That was why three communities were formed: the economy, coal and steel, and nuclear energy. Until around 2000, in terms of growth and innovation, the European economy, year in, year out, was on par with the American one.

Of that initial -- and fairly brilliant -- gesture of "peace through prosperity," literally nothing remains. None of the EU's current leaders cares about the financial well-being of Europeans. Coal is regarded as the devil's fuel, and nuclear energy is abhorred by Europe's elites, who say they prefer the inefficient and erratic wind turbines. Since 2000, the European economy has been mired in stagnation, which has worsened since 2008 and threatens to reach its height in the coming years -- ending in the destruction of Europe.

Green Deal

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