Your Intentions for 3 Holy Masses, Feb. 9-11

Dear Friend,
On February 11, 1854, Our Lady
appeared in Lourdes, to Bernadette Soubirous, who was 14 years old and
returned to the same place 17 more times. A rosary, which was
described as white, while the cross and chains were gold, hung from
Our Lady’s right arm. In the apparitions, Our Lady of Lourdes appealed
for prayers and penance for sinners and declared herself to be “the
Immaculate Conception.”
Over the years, approximately 100
million pilgrims have visited the Lourdes grotto, seeking a healing
miracle - 70 documented, supernatural healings have been officially
declared by the Church, while over 7,000 miraculous recoveries have
been attributed to the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes.
We can now take a spiritual
pilgrimage to Lourdes and bring our most pressing needs to the Blessed
Mother. Three Holy Masses will be offered for all who
submit their intentions, along with special prayers that will be sent,
beginning on February 9.
For the 33rd World Day of the Sick,
which is also February 11, Pope Francis published a message entitled:
“Hope does not disappoint” (Rm 5:5) but strengthens us in times of trial. His Holiness wrote: “in times of illness, we sense our human
frailty on the physical, psychological and spiritual levels. Yet we
also experience the closeness and compassion of God, who, in Jesus,
shared in our human suffering. God does not abandon us and often
amazes us by granting us a strength that we never expected, and would
never have found on our own.”
Please include petitions for all
you know who are ill, so that Our Lady of Lourdes may intercede for
them. Please also include a petition that Cardinal Burke may receive
an abundance of grace and in thanksgiving for his continued good
Let us now look to Our Lady
of Lourdes, who is the Star of Hope and prays to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus on our behalf, for nothing will be impossible for
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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