Dear John,
I've got exciting news to share but first, I want to say thank you.
The Center for American Liberty is leading the charge against the radical left's anti-freedom agenda -- and winning -- because of your steadfast support and I am so grateful.
In fact, our most recent victory would not have been possible without YOU.
I'm thrilled to share we scored a huge win in Solas v. Cardona.
Remember, we SUED the Biden Administration's Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona for censoring parents who dare to speak out against the left's sinister plan to hijack your child's mind.
Our client, a mom named Nicole Solas, refused to blindly trust that the leftists running her children's school had their best interests at heart.
Long story short, Nicole requested to view the curriculum being taught by her child's school district. She was forced to file public records requests and was sued by the teachers' union -- racking up $74,000 in legal fees.
But Nicole did not back down. She did not waver. And she exposed the cartoon-style pornographic materials educators made available to young children…
…until Biden's Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona used his official government account on X to condemn efforts to "censor" books -- and then used the hide function to censor Nicole's reply showing cartoon images from the controversial "banned" books.
Too inappropriate for X but not for young children in public schools seemed to be the Department of Education's position on pornography. But we sued on Nicole behalf and WON!
Before leaving office, we settled the case and Cardona was required to unhide Nicole's comments for all the world to see, restoring Nicole's First Amendment rights.
John, thank you for making this victory possible. Your generous support continues to defend the free speech rights of parents, like Nicole, to advocate for their kids.
But our work isn't done.
We have several major lawsuits on the horizon that we're going to need your help to win. I pray we can count on your continued support in the days and weeks ahead.