
A message from our sponsor

"Nobody Asking the Real Questions"

See Dr. Ron Paul's new home-recorded warning to every American...

Dear Reader,

The biggest problem with this coronavirus "crisis" is that nobody is stopping to ask the real questions...

Like: "How does the financial system get so bad that a virus can collapse the entire U.S. economy?"

Or: "Will one-time stimulus actually fix the economy – or just make Americans even more dependent on the government?"

Or even: "What is the Dollar actually worth if we can print an unlimited number of them?"

But none of this seems to matter...

Everyone wants a quick fix. An easy handout. And politicians are happy to oblige.

Unfortunately, this will cause even greater damage to the Americans they are supposed to help.

So please, as a citizen of this country, pay attention to what your government is doing right now.

The people running our country today are living in a fantasy world.

And if you're not careful, YOU could be the one who pays the price.

You can ignore that fact... or you can take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

The choice is yours. But you've got to take action personally.

I outline exactly what's happening – and the #1 step you should take today – in my new short video with Stansberry Research, which you can access for free right here.


Dr. Ron Paul

Click Here for Dr. Paul's #1 Step to Take Today