Dear John:

PFLAG National—along with transgender young adults and families with transgender youth and GLMA—is serving as a plaintiff in a federal legal challenge against the executive order from the Trump administration attempting to shut down nationwide access to necessary medical care for transgender people under 19.

We need you in this fight with us. Can you rush your donation to PFLAG National NOW to support the legal challenges ahead?

PFLAG parents are good and decent people who love their trans kids and want them to grow up to become thriving, happy, healthy adults. Yet, President Trump and other politicians maliciously harm our families by denying them access to physician-prescribed, medically recommended care. This order puts trans and nonbinary young people and their families at risk—and we’re not putting up with it. 

We have always said it—and always meant it—that PFLAG National will NEVER back down in supporting each and every one of our family members. NOW, with the incredible work of our legal teams at American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal, the ACLU of Maryland, and law firms Hogan Lovells and Jenner & Block, we are taking powerful action.

Please take powerful action with us NOW by sending your most generous donation to PFLAG National—we must be resourced and ready to win.

To every transgender and nonbinary youth, every parent, every family, know this: PFLAG National is not backing down from this fight. PFLAG’s got you. NOW and always.

In solidarity,

Brian K. Bond (he/him)
CEO, PFLAG National 

P.S. To learn more about PFLAG v. Trump, visit our FAQ at


PFLAG National
(202) 467-8180 | [email protected]

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