![]() “There was once a land where every sane person knew how to build a shelter, grow food, and entertain one another. Now we have been rendered permanent children. It’s the architects of forced schooling who are responsible for that.”
—John Taylor Gatto
Patriot, Every year, the education of children in America is worse than the last. That’s the legacy of the U.S. Department of Education, an ill-conceived experiment of the Carter administration that was never ended. Instead, the unconstitutional department has only grown. Its tentacles have reached into every public school, strangling the independence of every state and local government, every school board, and ultimately, every child who attends public school. The results are so embarrassing that even the U.S. Department of Education itself admitted just last week the results are "heartbreaking."
For decades, Fed Ed has promised to fix education with billions of dollars and thousands of bureaucrats. Yet American children are learning less, test scores are stagnating, and families are left to pick up the pieces. We saw the true devastation during the Covid lockdowns, when the American public, by and large raised by the nanny state, abided the government’s lockdown orders without questioning. This is the bitter fruit of our rotten education system.
But now, the Trump administration is doing everything it can to help Congress shut down the Department of Education once and for all. ![]() As the headline notes, Congress, not the White House, must take action to end the Department of Education for good. Fortunately, Rep. Thomas Massie’s legislation, H.R. 899, would do exactly that. The bill solves the problem in one sentence: “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2026.”
The bill currently has 27 cosponsors, but we need many, many more to help fulfill Trump’s promise to wipe out the Department of Education. That’s why it’s so critical you demand your lawmaker take a stand and support this legislation to End Fed Ed! ![]() Dismantling the Department of Education will: * Return education decisions to parents and local school districts;
* Allow teachers to meet students' needs without federal mandates; * Make every community a competing laboratory for better outcomes. It’s time to restore local control. Parents and local school boards can take back decision-making power from faceless bureaucrats in Washington. Teachers would have the freedom to create lessons that meet students' real needs. We’ve seen the results of government bureaucrats dictating ineffective policies like Common Core and other top-down mandates. Reading scores for American students are the worst they’ve been in over 30 years. The last time we had this much momentum behind shutting down the Department of Education was 1981. We can’t afford to wait another 44 years for this opportunity. We must demand Congress take action RIGHT NOW! ![]() As Ron Paul noted in a recent article, the Department of Education has been an instrument of the radical Left to indoctrinate children into their political views: Progressives seek to control education because they understand that those who are indoctrinated as children will likely support progressivism as adults. It is no coincidence that progressive control of education and the decline of quality of the nation’s schools coincide with increased federal control.
Progressive federal bureaucrats used the promise of funding to entice states and local governments to surrender control of schools to federal educators. Wokeness is just the latest iteration of the progressivism that has been undermining America’s free-market economy, constitutional government, and all sources of authority — including parents and churches — outside of the federal government for over a century. —Ron Paul, “Blame Woke Authoritarians for Learning Loss”
Now, we have a chance to put this madness to an end. Step 1: Sign the directive to Congress to support H.R. 899 and end the Department of Education. ![]() Step 2: Make a difference by contributing $200, $100, $50, or whatever you can. Your donation helps Campaign for Liberty deliver petitions, contact lawmakers, and mobilize patriots. Together, we can fight for a brighter future for America’s children. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Don’t wait—sign the petition and donate today to support H.R. 899 and give power back to parents and teachers where it belongs. ![]() ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron Paul.
If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)).