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Anne Lamott once famously remarked, “How to write: Butt in Chair. Start each day anywhere. Let yourself do it badly. Just take one passage at a time. Get butt back in chair.”
Anne’s wisdom is profoundly relevant to any creative endeavor: If we want to see creative results, we need to be present where creativity finds its genesis.
This is the heart behind our Why Write 2025 Workshop: Discover & Energize Your Voice. ([link removed])
Offered on Wednesday, March 5th, the day before our Awakenings 2025 National Gathering in Falls Church, Virginia, Why Write is an all-day dialogical workshop about the possibilities and challenges of writing in this cultural moment.
Keynotes from publishers, editors, and authors from across the Christian publishing industry will discuss the reality and hope simultaneously found present in work as a published writer today.
Your empty chair is awaiting, and your voice is needed! Join us!
-Chris Kamalski, Editorial Director
Why Write 2025: Discover & Energize Your Voice
A dialogical workshop about the possibilities and challenges of writing in this cultural moment.
* Price: $69
* When: Wednesday, March 05th, 8:30am – 5:30pm
* Where: Columbia Baptist Church (Falls Church, VA)
* Speakers: Al Hsu (IVP), Mandy Smith (Pastor and Author), Deborah Saenz (NavPress), and Brenna Varner (100M Publishing), hosted by Chris Kamalski (Editorial Director, Missio Alliance).
Learn more here. ([link removed]) Space is limited, so register soon ([link removed]) to secure your spot for both the workshop and the conference!
Sign Up Today! ([link removed])
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