Hi John,

We know young people gain valuable skills through youth work and volunteering 
– but they don’t always know how to recognise or talk about them.

Skills Summary is a free, easy to use online tool that helps young people identify and articulate their skills while also enabling youth organisations to measure the impact of their projects. With this tool, you can support young people in recognising their transversal (soft) skills, like teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership, and build their confidence in communicating them to future employers.
Check out Skills Summary here!

We’ve recently expanded Skills Summary with two important new skill areas: Creativity and Critical Thinking.

🧠 Critical Thinking helps young people analyse information, make informed decisions, and recognise biases.

🧩 Creativity encourages self-expression, innovation, and problem-solving in areas they care about.

The new sections include youth-friendly definitions, self-assessment quizzes, and practical Take Action Tips to support young people’s skills development. (Login required to access the content.)

These resources were developed with input from experts, youth workers, and young people, and reviewed for accessibility by NALA, to make sure that if you work with young people, Skills Summary can support your work. You can explore skillssummary.ie to learn more.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do get in touch and let us know!

Best wishes,


Mateja Jakšić

Skills Summary Project Coordinator
National Youth Council of Ireland
3 Montague Street, Dublin 2, D02 V327

Skills Summary was developed in partnership between the National Youth Council of Ireland, spunout and Accenture. It is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and is a mandatory tool in the Targeted Youth Employability Support Initiative.
Copyright © 2025 National Youth Council of Ireland, All rights reserved.
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