From Jonathan Dutson - The Humane League <[email protected]>
Subject something to think about
Date February 4, 2025 3:36 PM
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Hey there,

Maybe this is something you’ve felt before. When I look out at the ocean, the vastness can easily take my breath away. But when I think about space—our tiny speck of a planet, floating in the infinity of the cosmos—I don’t feel much of anything. My mind can’t wrap around the magnitude of it.

This is the unique challenge we face, fighting for the billions of animals suffering on factory farms. The sheer scale of suffering that chickens, cows, and pigs are experiencing is simply too big for our minds to comprehend. And it’s not just the numbers that are overwhelming—it’s also the depth of physical and psychological pain that animals endure.

I’m Jonathan, and I’m matching all new monthly gifts to The Humane League—for six months. Because behind these unfathomable numbers, there are animals who desperately need our help.

Maybe we can’t comprehend the suffering of billions of cows, or pigs, or hens. But we can think about just one hen. We can think about what life in a battery cage looks like for her—her skin rubbed raw, her sensitive feet painfully twisted and deformed from standing on cage bars. In another life, she would have been able to act on her natural instincts and curiosity. Maybe she would have had a favorite food, or a favorite place to nap.

Because of this community, the percentage of US hens now living outside cruel cages reached its highest point ever in 2024. That’s over 120 million hens. I can’t even wrap my head around that number.

I believe the treatment of farmed animals is one of the greatest moral issues of our time. So let’s rise to the challenge for them. Let’s make a positive impact too big to comprehend.

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Are you with me?

For the animals,

Jonathan Dutson
Matching Donor

P.S. Speaking of that planet floating in space, let’s do something great while we’re here. Let’s acknowledge that the suffering of billions of living beings matters—and that we have the power to help them. Let’s end the horror that is factory farming.

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We exist to end the abuse of animals raised for food. But we can’t do it without you. The Humane League is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization ranked "Best In America" by the Independent Charities of America and ranked one of the world's most effective animal protection organizations by Animal Charity Evaluators. Our federal EIN is 04-3817491.

Copyright © 2025 The Humane League, All rights reserved.

The Humane League | PO Box 10476 | Rockville, MD 20849

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