Washington Democrats just rewrote the rules to silence dissent. A 132-year-old requirement for a supermajority to end debate? Gone. Now, with a simple majority, they can shut down discussion whenever they want—because listening to the other side is just too inconvenient.
This is a blatant power grab, plain and simple. Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon and his allies want total control, and they’ll steamroll anyone who stands in their way. That means higher taxes, softer crime laws, and zero accountability—all pushed through without meaningful debate.
We can’t let them get away with it. Shift WA is committed to exposing this overreach and fighting for real transparency in Olympia. But we need your help.
Will you consider taking the following two actions today?
Sign our petition condemning Democrats’ unprecedented actions.
Donating $25, $50, or even $100 today to help us continue shining a light on what’s happening in Olympia. Every dollar helps us hold these power-hungry politicians accountable and keep Washingtonians informed.
Sign our petition and donate now and stand up for real debate and real democracy!
Thank you,
The Shift WA team